Março Lilas: Brazil Raises Awareness for Uterine Cancer
During March, offices across Brazil celebrated Março Lilas (Lilac March) to raise awareness around uterine cancer.

Carnaval comes to Brazil!
Teams across Brazil gathered in-office to celebrate the country’s most popular holiday – Carnaval do Brasil!

Janeiro Branco: Brazil Celebrates Mental Health Awareness
On January 23rd 2024, Brazil’s locations celebrated Janeiro Branco (White January), a global campaign dedicated to raising awareness about mental health.

Brazil Celebrates International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Throughout the month of December, the Brazil team hosted online sessions in support of IDPD 2023.

Wipro Cares - Amigos Do Bem
On December 9th, Wipro associates, family and friends in São Paulo, Brazil volunteered with Amigos do Bem, an organization dedicated to helping families in the northeast hinterland.

Dezembro Laranja: Raising Awareness for Skin Cancer in Brazil
On December 12th, employees in Brazil participated in an enlightening and inspiring chat about Dezembro Laranja (Orange December), a skin cancer awareness campaign.

A Brazilian Diwali Celebration
The Brazil team gathers together to celebrate the yearly tradition of Diwali.

Raising Awareness for Men’s Health in Brazil with Novembro Azul
Throughout the month of November, the Brazil offices held several events and activities to raise awareness among men about the importance of taking comprehensive care of their health.

São Paulo Welcomes CEAP Mentees
The Morumbi office in São Paulo welcomed mentees from CEAP (Centro Educacional Assistencial Profissionalisante), a non-profit organization that offers tech education and professional certification courses to high school students.

International Women’s Day in Brazil
The Brazil team celebrates the wonderful women at Wipro.